How to make your takeaways healthier: top tips for UK food lovers

Takeaways are a beloved staple in the UK. After a long day or when you have your friends come over, who doesn’t love the convenience of a delicious meal delivered right to your door? However, with growing concerns about health and wellness, many of us are looking for ways to make our beloved takeaways healthier. The good news is, it’s entirely possible to enjoy your favourite meals without compromising on nutrition. Here’s how to make your takeaways healthier while still savouring the flavours you love.

Choose healthier options   

healthier choice to order

When browsing through your local takeaway menus, keep an eye out for healthier options. Many takeaways now offer healthier choices, clearly marked on their menus. These options are often lower in calories, fat, and salt. For example, many Chinese takeaways now provide steamed dumplings instead of fried ones and dishes with more vegetables and lean proteins.

Top tips:   

  • Opt for grilled or baked dishes instead of fried.
  • Choose tomato-based sauces over creamy ones.
  • Go for whole-meal bases for pizzas or wraps.

Customise your order   

Don’t hesitate to ask for modifications to make your meal healthier. Most restaurants are happy to accommodate requests. For example, you can ask for your Indian takeaway to be cooked with less oil or request extra vegetables in your stir-fry.

Top tips:   

  • Request sauces on the side to control the amount you consume.
  • Substitute chips with a side salad.
  • Ask for brown rice instead of white rice

Watch your portions   

brown rice with chicken fry

Portion sizes in takeaways can be deceivingly large, which often leads to overeating. A simple way to make your takeaway healthier is to watch your portion sizes. Consider sharing a main dish with someone else or saving half for later.

Top tips:   

  • Use a smaller plate to help control portions.
  • Pair your meal with a side of steamed vegetables to fill up on fibre.
  • Drink a glass of water before eating to help control hunger.

Add extra veggies   

veggies burger

Adding extra vegetables to your takeaway is an easy way to boost its nutritional value. Vegetables are low in calories but high in essential vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Next time you order a pizza, ask for extra vegetables like mushrooms, peppers, and onions.

Top Tips:  

  • Add a side of steamed or stir-fried vegetables to your order.
  • Top your burger with extra salad.
  • Mix in extra frozen veggies to your takeaway at home.

Be mindful of sauces and dressings   

Sauces and dressings can add a significant amount of hidden calories, sugar, and salt to your meal. Choose them wisely or use them sparingly to make your takeaway healthier.

 Top tips:   

  • Choose soy sauce with reduced sodium for your Chinese food.
  • Opt for yoghurt-based dressings instead of creamy ones.
  • Use herbs and spices to add flavour instead of relying on sauces.

Drink smart   

The drinks you choose with your meal can also impact its overall healthiness. Sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages can add unnecessary calories and sugar.

 Top tips:  

  • Choose water, sparkling water, or unsweetened tea.
  • If you’re craving something sweet, go for a diet soda.
  • Limit alcoholic beverages and opt for lower-calorie options like a light beer.

Making healthy choices at different takeaways  :

Indian takeaway   

  • Choose dishes like tandoori chicken or prawn, which are grilled rather than fried.
  • Go for dhal or chickpea-based dishes for added protein and fibre.
  • Ask for chapatti instead of naan bread, which is often made with ghee.

Chinese takeaway   

  • Opt for dishes with more vegetables and lean proteins, such as stir-fried tofu with vegetables.
  • Choose plain steamed rice or brown rice over fried rice.
  • Avoid deep-fried starters and opt for soups or salads.


  • Select a thin crust pizza with a wholemeal base.
  • Load your pizza with vegetables and lean proteins like chicken.
  • Skip the stuffed crust and opt for less cheese or ask for half the usual amount.


Making healthier choices when it comes to takeaways doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice flavour or enjoyment. By being mindful of what you order and making a few simple changes, you can enjoy your favourite takeaway foods while keeping your diet balanced.

Next time you’re craving a delicious meal, remember these tips.

By making a few thoughtful choices, we can all enjoy the convenience and deliciousness of takeaways while keeping our health in check. And don’t forget to check out Foodhub UK for a wide selection of local takeaways that can cater to your healthier dining preferences. Happy Ordering!

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