In celebration of Friendship Day, we’re looking at some dishes that might not belong together but complement each other perfectly, like BFFs.
Peanut butter and pickles might sound weird, but it’s a surprisingly delicious combo. The salty, crunchy pickles and the creamy, nutty peanut butter are a match made in heaven.

Pineapple and ham is a classic Hawaiian combination and for good reason. The sweet, juicy pineapple and the salty, smoky ham are just splendid. Try it on a pizza, in a quesadilla, or even on a salad.

Chips and ice cream might seem counter-intuitive, but it’s a classic combination. The salty, crispy fries and the sweet, creamy ice cream balance flavours so well.
Jam and condensed milk is a sweet, sticky treat for a rainy day. The jam is soft and chewy, and the condensed milk adds a richness and sweetness that’s hard to resist.
Pizza and beans is one of those combos you love or hate. The sweet and savoury flavours of the pizza and the beans are an acquired taste, but if you’re into it, you’re really into it.

The Other Full English—fish, chips, mushy peas, pickle, and a cheeky saveloy—is a bit of a niche, but it’s a firm favourite among some people. The fish and chips are classic, the mushy peas add a bit of creaminess, the pickle adds slight acidity, and the saveloy is a cheeky surprise.So what do you think? Why not give them a try with your friends this Friendship Day and see for yourself? Get creative and have some fun, and these dishes are sure to become your new BFFs. Order on Foodhub for the best value!