Now, you may have come across a suspicious-looking video asking you to be a Super Foodie. We understand you must be perplexed and the fear of venturing towards such a journey of heroism can bring about a lot of doubt.
And according to our recent surveys, we have come across these three questions that have been on all your minds.
Who or what is a Super Foodie?
A Super Foodie is a super fan of tasty food, amazing takeaways, and promotes local businesses. A Super Foodie shares the limelight of their eventful life with food and represents what is all good about food, and saves thousands of people from hurt (or dissatisfied) taste buds by keeping them away from despicable and over-priced food.
In short, a Super Foodie is like Superman but with a love for food and wears their underwear on the inside.
P.S: Please let us know beforehand if you prefer wearing your knickers on top of your pants.
Am I a Super Foodie?
Do people look to you for restaurant recommendations? Do you post more pictures of food than yourself on Instagram? Do you and your friends not eat till you get the perfect picture of the food you ordered? If you have answered yes to all the questions, then you are a Super Foodie and we need you to save the world (or just the UK is also fine!).

How will a Super Foodie save the people?
As a Super Foodie, you will be:
- Posting pictures of delicious food which will remind people what delicious food looks like.
- Give away Food Hub coupons generously to random people (or people you like but we encourage you to give it to everyone).
- Remind people why Foodhub is better than a few other food ordering portals that charge restaurants and their people a lot of money.
- Post yourself enjoying delicious food at different takeaways from Foodhub! (Yes, a Super Foodie will be getting a lot of free food).

What do you get from Foodhub?
Exclusive Foodhub coupons and Merchandise. Did we forget to mention FREE FOOD! And of course, the joy of helping people but most importantly – free food.

How can I apply?
Make a video telling us why you are the biggest fan of Food (hub) and post the links to your social media, and wait for us to tell you- “You are the one for me!” (Yes, we are trying to bring back old songs).

See you soon!